Vinny Wood

Certified Run Coach

Vinny is from New York. He grew up playing sports and was a competitive swimmer. He started drinking as a teenager. He partied his way out of college, went into the Navy, and then went on to have a very successful career, and retired after a series of alcohol-fueled bad decisions.

All the while he was running and competing in triathlons, swimming, and cycling races. He managed a 3:00 marathon in Tokyo 2010 and ran Boston in 2012 with a hangover.

He eventually got tired of being hungover every day. He adopted a plant based vegan diet, started running again. He quit drinking cold turkey one day and did 90 meetings in 90 days. Vinny created a life bigger than alcohol.

Amber Graziano

Certified Addiction Recovery and Run Coach

Amber was born and raised in Northern California and was a competitive athlete all of her life. She started running 5ks in high school at about the same time she first started drinking. In her mid 30s, with 2 kids under 2, she eventually hit rock bottom. She knew something had to change, so she decided to change everything.

In 2023, Amber formed the RRR Nonprofit Foundation after making the tough decision to leave her 2nd grade teaching career in order to pursue her passion for running, recovery, and helping recovering alcoholics find community, healing, health, and vitality in sobriety.

We offer a diverse array of exhilarating day trips and activities, where you can embrace sobriety, discover the healing power of nature, and cultivate a life of purpose, vitality, and abundance. Whether you’re craving an adrenaline-pumping adventure or seeking a tranquil retreat in nature, we have meticulously curated experiences tailored to your preferences and skill levels.


 what people are saying

  • "I had the most magnificent and magical experience in Sedona! Between the race, hiking and all the fellowship, it will always be one of my favorite adventures."

  • "Freaking awesome. I was looking for REAL connection. And what I found was more than I ever expected. Retreats are magical and transforming. Loaded with opportunities to challenge your body at any level you happen to be at. Resting, as needed. Complete acceptance, camaraderie and moments shared with laughs so deep and authentic that there is no more room for self-doubt. What started as “a FB group I was meeting up with” ended up becoming “a group of friends” I look forward to meeting up with, again and again."

  • "It was an amazing experience of togetherness of like-minded warriors in the most magical scenery."

  • "I loved every single second of the retreat. Thank you Amber for all you do!"

  • "Thank you for all you do, and creating such a welcoming space for us to rebuild ourselves in recovery."